Tuesday, 15 September 2015

September Tap Room Beer List

Head over this coming Sunday 12-7pm to our brewery where we will be happy to serve you some great beer along with great snacks, food offerings and music.

On tap we'll have:

Our bestseller, a transpacific pale ale with New Zealand Pacific Gem and American Citra hops that give tropical fruit flavours. Excitingly, we have teamed up with Karkli to create the ultimate beer-matched snack and we will be seeking feedback on our exclusive Mariana Trench pairing at this open day! 

A new variation of our Pilsner, with all-American hops: Mosaic, Amarillo and Centennial. It is a go-to beer: crisp, hoppy, quaffable and how lagers should taste.

To mark both of their birthdays, our Gregg and Pig&Porter's Sean collaborated and made this California Common. Boasting biscuit and subtle caramel sweetness, it's a darker lager style that has a fruitiness due to fermentation at ale temperatures. The American kettle-hops and Experimental 431 dry hops add more citrus notes to balance this beer.

A new release from the brewery this week! It is an India Brown Ale, brewed with Muscovado sugar and cacao nibs. Hoppy enough to bridge the chocolatey sweetness and subtle liquorice, it's a really tasty new brew.

Our 200th brew and a triple I.P.A/amped up version of Sorachi Faceplant with Apollo, Summit and Sorachi Ace hops. It's a monster of a beer and does as its name suggests, but remains juicy and deliciously drinkable.

If for any reason, those beers don't take your fancy, we'll have a fridge-full (and brewery full) of other beers for you to choose from to drink in or take away.

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